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「Phillips, D. Z.」の検索結果

Wittgenstein and the Possibility of Discourse

 東京都文京区本郷 5-26-6 
Rush Rhees ; D.Z. Phillips (ed.)、Cambridge Univers・・・
ハードカバー ジャケット付
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Rush Rhees ; D.Z. Phillips (ed.) 、Cambridge University Press 、1998 、xii, 303 p. 、24 cm 、1冊
ハードカバー ジャケット付

【英語洋書】 宗教とデイヴィッド・ヒュームの業績 『Religion and Hume's legacy』 <Claremont studies in the philosophy of religion>

edited by D.Z. Phillips and Timothy Tessin、Macmill・・・

●シリーズ名:Claremont studies in the philosophy of religion (宗教哲学におけるクレアモント研究)

●Whether one agrees with him or not, there is no avoiding the challenge of Hume for contemporary philosophy of religion. The symposia in this stimulating collection reveal why, whether the discussions concern Hume on metaphysics and religion, 'true religion', religion and ethics, religion and superstition, or miracles. For some, Hume's criticisms of religion are so devastating that religion cannot withstand them. Others disagree, and claim that Hume can be answered on his own terms. For others, while Hume shows us paths we should not take, these open up the way for a consideration of religious possibilities he never considered. These are not peripheral matters. The responses to them determine the style and spirit in which one pursues philosophy of religion today.

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edited by D.Z. Phillips and Timothy Tessin 、Macmillan , St. Martin's Press 、c1999年 、xx, 282 p. 、23 cm
【ハードカバー】c1999年。カバー付属。ISBN:0312225261。 カバーに薄いヤケ・軽いスレ・一部に薄い汚れがありますが、それ以外は特に問題はありません。 ●シリーズ名:Claremont studies in the philosophy of religion (宗教哲学におけるクレアモント研究) ●Whether one agrees with him or not, there is no avoiding the challenge of Hume for contemporary philosophy of religion. The symposia in this stimulating collection reveal why, whether the discussions concern Hume on metaphysics and religion, 'true religion', religion and ethics, religion and superstition, or miracles. For some, Hume's criticisms of religion are so devastating that religion cannot withstand them. Others disagree, and claim that Hume can be answered on his own terms. For others, while Hume shows us paths we should not take, these open up the way for a consideration of religious possibilities he never considered. These are not peripheral matters. The responses to them determine the style and spirit in which one pursues philosophy of religion today. ■送料:全国一律370円

Religion and the Hermeneutics of Contemplation

D. Z. Phillips、Cambridge University Press、2001、1
英文 ペーパーバック
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Religion and the Hermeneutics of Contemplation

D. Z. Phillips 、Cambridge University Press 、2001 、1
英文 ペーパーバック

Religion Without Explanation.

D・Z・フィリップス(D. Z. Phillips/英語版)、Basil Blackwell, Ox・・・
表紙少ヤケ・少すれ 小口少ヤケ ソフトカバー
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Religion Without Explanation.

D・Z・フィリップス(D. Z. Phillips/英語版) 、Basil Blackwell, Oxford 、1976
表紙少ヤケ・少すれ 小口少ヤケ ソフトカバー

【英語洋書】 宗教と観想の解釈学 『Religion and the hermeneutics of contemplation』

D. Z. Phillips、Cambridge University Press (ケンブリッジ大・・・

1. Hermeneutics and the philosophical future of religious studies
2. Bernard Williams on the gods and us
3. Hume's legacy
4. Feuerbach: religion's secret
5. Marx and Engels: religion, alienation and compensation
6. Tylor and Frazer: are religious beliefs mistaken hypotheses?
7. Marett: primitive reactions
8. Freud: the battle for 'earliest' things
9. Durkheim: religion as a social construct
10. Levy-Bruhl: primitive logic
11. Berger: the avoidance of discourse
12. Which: trying to understand
13. Understanding: a philosophical vocation.

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D. Z. Phillips 、Cambridge University Press (ケンブリッジ大学出版局) 、2001年初版 、xiv, 330 p. 、23 cm
【ペーパーバック】2001年初版。 地の端にくすみがありますが、それ以外は特に問題はありません。 ●目次 1. Hermeneutics and the philosophical future of religious studies 2. Bernard Williams on the gods and us 3. Hume's legacy 4. Feuerbach: religion's secret 5. Marx and Engels: religion, alienation and compensation 6. Tylor and Frazer: are religious beliefs mistaken hypotheses? 7. Marett: primitive reactions 8. Freud: the battle for 'earliest' things 9. Durkheim: religion as a social construct 10. Levy-Bruhl: primitive logic 11. Berger: the avoidance of discourse 12. Which: trying to understand 13. Understanding: a philosophical vocation. ■送料:全国一律370円

【英語洋書】 宗教概念の回復:認識論的な溝を埋める 『Recovering religious concepts : closing epistemic divides』 <Swansea studies in philosophy>

D.Z. Phillips、Macmillan , St. Martin's Press、c2000・・・

●シリーズ名:Swansea studies in philosophy (スウォンジー大学 哲学研究)

Acknowledgements - Preface - Where We Are - At the Mercy of Method - Return of the Monstrous Illusion - Epistemic Practices - the Retreat from Reality - From World to God? - Searching for Mediation - The Friends of Cleanthes - A Case of Conceptual Poverty - Revelation and the Loss of Authority - Turning God into one Devil of a Problem - Miracles and Open-Door Epistemology - The Dislocated Soul and Immortality - The World and T - The Radiance of a False Eternity - In the Beginning was the Proposition - In the Beginning was the Choice - In the Beginning was the Dance - God and Concept-Formation - Where are the Gods Now? - Time for Judgement - Anglo-American Philosophical Culture - Religion and the Reception of Wittgenstein - Index of Names - Index of Subjects

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D.Z. Phillips 、Macmillan , St. Martin's Press 、c2000年 、xii, 272 p. 、23 cm
【ハードカバー】c2000年。カバー付属。ISBN:0312227043。 カバーにややスレ・薄いヤケ・一部に薄いくすみがありますが、それ以外は特に問題はありません。 ●シリーズ名:Swansea studies in philosophy (スウォンジー大学 哲学研究) ●目次 Acknowledgements - Preface - Where We Are - At the Mercy of Method - Return of the Monstrous Illusion - Epistemic Practices - the Retreat from Reality - From World to God? - Searching for Mediation - The Friends of Cleanthes - A Case of Conceptual Poverty - Revelation and the Loss of Authority - Turning God into one Devil of a Problem - Miracles and Open-Door Epistemology - The Dislocated Soul and Immortality - The World and T - The Radiance of a False Eternity - In the Beginning was the Proposition - In the Beginning was the Choice - In the Beginning was the Dance - God and Concept-Formation - Where are the Gods Now? - Time for Judgement - Anglo-American Philosophical Culture - Religion and the Reception of Wittgenstein - Index of Names - Index of Subjects ■送料:全国一律370円

Wittgenstein : A Critical Reader <Blackwell critical readers>

 東京都文京区本郷 5-26-6 
Hans-Johann Glock、Blackwell、2001、381p、24cm、1冊
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Hans-Johann Glock 、Blackwell 、2001 、381p 、24cm 、1冊

Value and Understanding : Essays for Peter Winch

 東京都文京区本郷 5-26-6 
Raimond Gaita (ed.)、Routledge、1990、xiii, 288 p.、23・・・
ハードカバー ジャケット付
ご来店の上でご購入希望の場合、事前にご連絡をお願い申し上げます。 店舗とは別の倉庫に保管している商品も多くございますので、事前にご連絡いただけませんと、お出しできない場合が多々ございます。また、在庫確認、本の状態確認はメールでお願い申し上げます。お電話いただきましても、その場ではお答えできません。
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Raimond Gaita (ed.) 、Routledge 、1990 、xiii, 288 p. 、23 cm 、1冊
ハードカバー ジャケット付

【英語洋書】 幻想から信仰へ:宗教哲学と20世紀文学 『From fantasy to faith : the philosophy of religion and twentieth-century literature』 pbk

D. Z. Phillips、Macmillan、1991年初版、xii, 224 p.、22 cm

Preface - Introduction: Marches of Vocabulary (T.S.Eliot) - PART 1: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW - Down the Yellow Brick Road (L.Frank Baum) - Emptying Heaven (Wallace Stevens) - Priests of Our Time (Dennis Potter and Nathanael West) - After Empty Heaven (Wallace Stevens and Dennis Potter) - Charitable Untruths (Philip Larkin) - PART 2: UNDER A GODLESS SKY - Following Rules (Luigi Pirandello) - Only Words? (Samuel Beckett) - Distorting Truth (Caradoc Evans) - The Shortest Way Home (Joan Didion) - Mental Gymnastics (Tom Stoppard) - A Place Without Qualities (Franz Kafka) - Meaning What We Say (Alice Monro) - PART 3: HEROES OF THE HORIZON - Of Fishers and Men (Ernest Hemingway) - Kill or Be Killed (Isaac Babel) - One Priest, Two Sermons (Albert Camus) - PART 4: UNDER GOD'S HEAVEN - Who's Who (Barbara Pym) - Displaced Persons (Edith Wharton) - Beyond the Call of Duty (Elie Wiesel)

商品の価格、重量に応じゆうメール,ゆうパケット,レターパック,ゆうパックのいずれかで発送致します。 送料のご負担をお願い致します。 弊店は適格請求書発行事業者です。インボイス制度対応の書類を発行致します。 原則、先払いをお願いしておりますが、公費購入(後払い)も承っております。 海外発送にも対応しております。
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D. Z. Phillips 、Macmillan 、1991年初版 、xii, 224 p. 、22 cm
【pbk】1991年初版。 本文含め、全体的に若干ヤケがあります。表紙に軽いスレ、見返し・本文一部に古書特有のシミがあります。それ以外は特に問題はありません。 ●目次の一部 Preface - Introduction: Marches of Vocabulary (T.S.Eliot) - PART 1: SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW - Down the Yellow Brick Road (L.Frank Baum) - Emptying Heaven (Wallace Stevens) - Priests of Our Time (Dennis Potter and Nathanael West) - After Empty Heaven (Wallace Stevens and Dennis Potter) - Charitable Untruths (Philip Larkin) - PART 2: UNDER A GODLESS SKY - Following Rules (Luigi Pirandello) - Only Words? (Samuel Beckett) - Distorting Truth (Caradoc Evans) - The Shortest Way Home (Joan Didion) - Mental Gymnastics (Tom Stoppard) - A Place Without Qualities (Franz Kafka) - Meaning What We Say (Alice Monro) - PART 3: HEROES OF THE HORIZON - Of Fishers and Men (Ernest Hemingway) - Kill or Be Killed (Isaac Babel) - One Priest, Two Sermons (Albert Camus) - PART 4: UNDER GOD'S HEAVEN - Who's Who (Barbara Pym) - Displaced Persons (Edith Wharton) - Beyond the Call of Duty (Elie Wiesel) ■送料:ゆうメール200円



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