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奈良万葉シリーズ 全6巻揃
写真アルバム 水戸・笠間の昭和
世界の船物語 お話博物館・六年生
シリーズ・船 海のロマン!船の百科 全10巻揃
DEMOSTHENIS ORATIONES 1~3(4冊)Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis
THUCYDIDIS HISTORIAE Ⅰ-Ⅷ Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis
Xenophontis Opera Omnia 1-5(Scriptorum classicorum bibliotheca Oxoniensis)
遺作 死にたくない!
ワーズワス コールリッジ 抒情歌謡集 リリカル・バラッズ
Strategies of Reticence: Silence and Meaning in the Works of Jane Austen, Willa Cather, Katherine Anne Porter, and Joan Didion
Origin and Originality in Renaissance Literature: Versions of the Source
The Religious Dimension of Jane Austen's Novels (Nineteenth-Century Studies)
Triumphal Forms : Structural Patterns in Elizabethan Poetry
A Reader's Guide to the American Novel of Detection (Reader's Guides to Mystery Novels)
Oscar Wilde's Oxford Notebooks: A Portrait of Mind in the Making
Darkness at Dawn: Early Suspense Classics by Cornell Woolrich
From Latin to Modern French. with Especial Consideration of Anglo - Norman. Phonology and Morphology.
Authorizing Petrarch
Love's Fatal Glance: A Study of Eye Imagery in the Poets of the Ecole Lyonnaise (ROMANCE MONOGRAPHS, INC)
The Literary Microcosm: Theories of Interpretation of the Later Neoplatonists (Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition II)
Conversations With Philip Roth