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Paradise lost
Informal Logic
Alfred Tennyson : a literary life <Macmillan literary lives>
The elements of style 3rd ed. / with revisions, an introduction, and a chapter on writing by E.B. White
Immanuel Kant's Critique of pure reason <Macmillan student editions> 2nd impression
Ben Jonson : a literary life. <Macmillan literary lives>
Nursing Book 1 <Collier-Macmillan English program> 英語ペーパーバック <Collier-Macmillan English program>
Culture, disease, and healing : studies in medical anthropology
D.H. Lawrence : sexual crisis. <Macmillan studies in twentieth-century literature>
Critical essays on Charlotte Perkins Gilman <Critical essays on American literature>
Critical essays on James Joyce's Finnegans wake <Critical essays on British literature>
The honourable company : a history of the English East India Company. 1st American ed
The diary of Samuel Pepys <Macmillan's Globe library> Globe ed
History of the Arabs : from the earliest times to the present <Macmillan international college edition> 10th ed
The Black Tulip <Collier-Macmillan English Readers>
W B Yeats. Selected Poetry
Italy under Mussolini
Dictionary Of Everyday Idioms
Liberty, justice, and morals : contemporary value conflicts
Vico and Marx, Affinities and Contrasts
Masks and marionettes
Friedrich Engels : his life and thought
Samizdat and an independent society in Central and Eastern Europe <St. Antony's/Macmillan series>
The methodologies of positivism and Marxism : a sociological debate
Hamlet, Prufrock and language
The making of symbolic interactionism
W.B. Yeats : a literary life <Macmillan literary lives>
The Macmillan Handbook of English
The satires of Dryden : Absalom and Achitophel,The medal, Mac Flecknoe <Macmillan's English classics>
Vertebrate life
THE Macmillan Visual Dictionary
Femininity to feminism : women and literature in the nineteenth century hc <Twayne's women and literature series>
Money [Macmillan Student Editions]
The Macmillan Dictionary of Archaeology.
Macmillan Readers Persuasion Pre Intermediate Without CD (Macmillan Readers 2010)
The Rime of Ancient Mariner.
Macmillan School Dictionary Paperback: MSD PB
The MIll on the Floss <Macmillan's Stories to Remember>
Voyages to the moon.
The comic in Renaissance comedy
Macmillan Readers Black Cat The Elementary Pack (Macmillan Readers S.)
Macmillan Phrasal Verbs Plus Paperback: Phrasal Verbs PB
Mastering Modern British History Macmillan Master Guides 英語
Mask and scene : an introduction to a world view of theatre.
Post-War Bosnia
Two Stories from Africa <Pattern Readers>
Communities : a survey of theories and methods of research 2nd ed
An Approach to Wittgenstein's Philosophy
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