Rhys, Grace (ed.)/Illus. by R. Anning Bell, Charle・・・
J.M. Dent & Co., 1894-1895. 15.0 x 9..0 cm., full cloth with gilt decoration, t.e.g., uncut., previous owner's inscription dated 1894-1896 to front flyleaf, spine slightly sunned, original cloth case soiled and waterstained.
The History of Cinderella or the Little Glass Slipper & Jack and the Bean-stalk ; Sleeping Beauty & Dick Whittington and his Cat; Little Red Riding Hood &The History of Tom Thumb; The History of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves; The Fairy Gifts & Tom Hickathrift; Banbury Cross & Other Nursery Rhymes; Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp; The House that Jack Built & Other Nursery Rhymes; Aesops Fables; Jack the Giant-Killer & Beauty and the Beast; Blue Beard & Puss in Boots; Fireside Stories
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