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Handbook of Classical Rhetoric in the Hellenistic Period: 330 B. C.-A.D. 400
Rhetoric and Truth in Milton : A Conflict between Classical Rhetoric and Biblical Eloquence.
Rereading the Sophists : Classical Rhetoric Refigured
【洋書】 Rereading the Sophists : Classical Rhetoric Refigured
PERIPATETIC RHETORIC AFTER ARISTOTLE. Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities Volume VI.
Ethics and Rhetoric Classical Essays for Donald Russell on
Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student
Rhetoric and truth in Milton : a conflict between classical rhetoric and biblical eloquence
Classical Rhetoric in English Poetry: With a New Preface and Annotated Bibliography
Classical Canons: Rhetoric Classicism and Treaty Interpretation (Applied Legal Philosophy)
The Attic Orators (Oxford Readings in Classical Studies)
Sophistical Rhetoric in Classical Greece.
Law's cosmos : juridical discourse in Athenian forensic oratory
【英語・ギリシャ語洋書】The art of rhetoric〈The Loeb Classical Library〉(修辞学)
Law, violence, and community in classical Athens
Select letters <The Loeb classical library> Rev ed
Herodian in two volumes 1-2 <The Loeb classical library>
The speeches of Aeschines <The Loeb classical library>
The speeches of Aeschines, Against Timarchus ; On the embassy ; Against Ctesiphon. < The Loeb classical library>
On the characteristics of animals 1-3 <The Loeb classical library>
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