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投稿の手引 : Journal of the physical society of Japan : Japanese journal of applied physics 1982年版
88p 26cm
Essays on the Languages, Literature, and Religion of Nepal and Tibet : Together with Further Papers on the Geography, Ethnology, and Commerce of Those Countries <Cambridge Library Collection - Perspectives from the Royal Asiatic Society>
Together with Further Papers on the Geography, Ethnology, and Commerce of Those Countries
By (author) Hodgson, Brian Houghton、Cambridge Libr・・・
292p H229 x W152
日本癌治療学会誌 = The journal of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology 11(4)
The journal of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology The journal of Japan Society for Cancer Therapy 日本癌治療学会総会抄録集 日本癌治療総会演題集 日本癌治療学会総会英文抄録 日本癌治療学会総会プログラム
冊 25-30cm
広島体育学研究 (18)
Hiroshima journal of physical education
日本体育学会広島支部 [編]、広島体育学会、1992-03
冊 26cm
Post-Beijing 2008 : geopolitics, sport and the Pacific Rim <Sport in the global society>
edited by J.A. Mangan and Fan Hong、Routledge、2011
xvi, 325 p. 26 cm
洞窟学雑誌 11
Journal of the Speleological Society of Japan
日本洞窟学会 [編]、日本洞窟学会、1986-12
Exchanges : A Global History Reader volume 1 Pearson new international edition
A Global History Reader volume 1
By (author) Getz, Trevor R.; By (author) Hoffman, ・・・
342p H273 x W215
慶應医学 22(7)
Journal of the Keio Medical Society Organ der Keio Medizinischen Gesellschaft Organ of the Keio Medical Society Organ de la Societe medicale de Keio
冊 28cm
Health and Inequality <Major Themes in Health and Social Welfare>
Edited by Pickett, Kate; Edited by Wilkinson, Rich・・・
2624p H234 x W156
Annual progress in child psychiatry and child development 1968
edited by Stella Chess and Alexander Thomas、Brunne・・・
v. 24 cm
The Greening of Health and Well Being : Health and Health Care and Well Being in the Age of Green Economics
Health and Health Care and Well Being in the Age of Green Economics
By (author) Kennet, Miriam; By (author) Kennet, Ka・・・
日本癌治療学会誌 = The journal of Japan Society of Clinical Oncology 24(2)
日本医学放射線学会雑誌 14(8)
Nippon acta radiologica Journal of Japan Radiological Society
日本醫學放射線學會 [編]、日本医学放射線学会、1954-11
冊 30cm
Contemporary American Poetry 8 Rev ed
By (author) Poulin, A.; By (author) Waters, Michae・・・
720p H234 x W166
体育の科学 1(2)(2)
Journal of health,physical education and recreation
日本体育学会 編、杏林書院、1951-01
Human sexuality 23th ed. 98/99 <Annual editions> 28
editor, Susan J. Bunting、Dushkin / McGraw-Hill、c19・・・
v. 28 cm
9780073516189 0072548541
Annual Editions: Global Issues <Annual Editions> 28 Rev ed
By (author) Jackson, Robert M.、McGraw-Hill Educati・・・
224p H271 x W215
Annual Editions: Health <Annual Editions> 33 Rev ed
By (author) Daniel, Eileen L.、McGraw-Hill Educatio・・・
176p H279 x W203
船舶技術研究所報告 = Papers of Ship Research Institute 4(7)
Papers of Ship Research Institute
運輸省船舶技術研究所 [編]、国土交通省船舶技術研究所、1968-03
日本眼科学会雑誌 90(10)
Journal of Japanese Ophthalmological Society
JASMA = 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 : journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application 14(4)
日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 J. Jpn. Soc. Microgravity Appl 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会会報
日本マイクログラビティ応用学会 [編]、日本マイクログラビティ応用学会、1997-10
冊 26-30cm
JASMA = 日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌 : journal of the Japan Society of Microgravity Application 13(3)
日本マイクログラビティ応用学会 [編]、日本マイクログラビティ応用学会、1996-07