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110 < Entry44 ; ボックス番号:9 ; フォルダ番号:1>

110 < Entry44 ; ボックス番号:9 ; フォルダ番号:1>


FY 1950 Funding Program and Allotment of Funds, 1949/06/15, Diplomatic Section, 1949/06/28, Ryukyuan Yen Budget Procedure, 1949/03/11, Review and Assembly of FY 51 Military Budget, 1949/04/14, Policies and Assumptions for FY 1952 Military Budget Directive, 1950/01/23, Garioa Estimates FY 1951, 1949/04/20, Far East Command Budget Estimates for Fiscal Year 1951, Policies and Assumptions for FY 1951 Military Budget Directive, 1949/02/18, Firm indigenous Funding Program and Allocation of Funds, JFY 1949, 1949/12/21, JFY 50 Indigenous Budget Estimates, Works Portion of TOW Appropriation, 1949/11/08, Special Field Exercises, 1949/06/30, Occupation Costs vs ZI Costs, 1949/06/28, Allocation of Funds, 1949/12/12, Housing Requirements – Okinawa, 1949/12/06, Fiscal Year 1950 Requirements, Project, 1949/10/07, Memorandums from Secretary of Defense re "Reduction of Expenditures in the Department of Defense", and "Robert Heller and Associates", 1949/08/29, Payment of Dues, GHQ Officers' Club, 1949/07/16, Estimate of Garioa Funds for Fiscal Year 1950, 1949/07/01, Purchasing and Contracting, 1949/07/07, Armored Cavalry Leadership Fund, 1949/10/25, H.R.1298, 81st Congress, a Bill "For the Relief of Edward T. Hunter", 1949/03/17, Department of the Army-Department of the Air Force Agreement Regarding Transfer of Funds and Other Items in Consonance with Transfers of Responsibilities under Certain JAAFAR's Affecting Fiscal Year 1950 Funding Procedures and Responsibilities and Budgeting Responsibilities in Subsequent Fiscal Years, 1949/07/26, Military Assistance to Republic of the Philippines under Public Law 454, 79th Congress, 1949/02/03, Authority Glider Badge, 1949/07/09, Award of Credits toward Distinguished Designation, 1949/04/18, 1948 FEC Small Arms Tournament, 1949/04/14, Draft Reply to Letter to C-in-C from General Handy, 1949/04/03, Excellence in Competition Badge, 1949/03/05, Service Medals, 1949/04/19






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