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「091: Japan 」の検索結果



091.1: General Headquarters G-2, Far East Command, G-2 File Copy, Line No. 1 - 53, Book No. 1, Jan - Dec 1951 < Entry16A ; ボックス番号:29 ; フォルダ番号:8>

091.1: General Headquarters G-2, Far East Command, G-2 File Copy, Line No. 1 - 53, Book No. 1, Jan - Dec 1951 < Entry16A ; ボックス番号:29 ; フォルダ番号:8>

Proposed Pension Plan for Ex-service Personnel, 1951/11/23, Reorganization of the Japanese Government Liaison Branch Offices, 1951/07/18, Relaxation of Controls to Japanese Government, 1951/08/17, Relaxation of Controls, 1951/06/10, Communist Influence in the Japan Science Council, 1951/01/26

  • リクエストを送る
091: Japan, No. 4 < Entry44 ; ボックス番号:4 ; フォルダ番号:4>

091: Japan, No. 4 < Entry44 ; ボックス番号:4 ; フォルダ番号:4>

Use of Military Personnel at the Hiroshima Branch of the Japanese Iron and Steel Company, 1949/06/16, Koreans Assault Japanese Police, Tokyo, 1949/04/07, Fire at Hiroshima City, 1949/03/29, Disorders Resulting from Osaka Rally, 1949/03/28, Rally Scheduled in Imperial Plaza on Tuesday, 1949/03/14, "How Can Japan Become a Self-Supporting Nation?", Fire Disaster (Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture), 1949/02/24, Fire Disaster in Kotachi Village, Yamanashi Prefecture, 1949/02/17, "People's Funeral" in Palace Plaza, 1949/06/10, Expected Demonstration by Government Railway Workers' Union, 1949/05/20, Meeting to be Held by Federation of All-Japan Public Corporation, 1949/05/16, Demonstration in Protest of Arrest of Koreans, 1949/04/11, Communist Front Meeting Planned in School, 1949/01/14

  • リクエストを送る
091.4 (a): Communist < Entry31A ; ボックス番号:8 ; フォルダ番号:2>

091.4 (a): Communist < Entry31A ; ボックス番号:8 ; フォルダ番号:2>

Communist Activity Involving Military Personnel, 1946/03/29, Communists in Japanese Labor Movements, 1946/03/17, Information on Communists in Philippines, 1946/04/05, Lynch Kyosanto Group (Japan Communist Party Lynch Group), 1946/02/28, Communists in Japan labor Movements, 1946/03/06, Soviet Attitude toward the United States, 1945/10/18, ATIS Interrogation Report 33458, 1950/11/09, Japanese Repatriates League (Nikkido), 1951/10/20, Control Number CD-1000.2, 1949/08/31, Interrogation of YAMAOKA, Michitake, 1948/10/25, Supplement to ATIS Interrogation Report 33458, 1951/03/02, Information on the Viet Minh, 1951/02/08, Information Regarding Political Situation in Indo-China, 1950/12/15, Viet Minh Regular Army OB, 3d War Zone, 1950/12/12, JCP Leaders Released 26 September 1951, 1951/10/16, Information Concerning Viet Minh, Indo-China, 1951/12/28, Communist Courier Activity among American Merchant Vessels Traveling to the P. I., 1950/01/24, Chinese Communist Order of Battle, 1949/08/05, Tactical Organization Chinese Communist Forces, 1948/10/12, Northeastern Chinese Communist Army, 1949/02/10, Communist Party Bulletin Concerning Atomic Energy, 1948/10/16, Japanese Communist Propaganda Guide, 1948/06/25, Transmission of Intelligence, 1948/06/09, Summary Translation of Book "References for the Annihilation of the Chinese Communists", 1947/07/02, Communist party College, 1948/02/17, Terrorist Activities among Repatriates, 1947/06/17, Pleas for help in Suppressing Terrorism Existing in Repatriation Centers of Sasebo, Hakata and Maizuru, 1947/05/17, Communist Propaganda Publication, 1947/09/26, New Japan Youngmen's League, 1947/09/25, WDI Target #560 (Japan Police Records re Communists), 1946/08/28, Korean Communist Party (Chosun Kongsan Dang)

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