000.1: General Headquarters G-2, Far East Command, Line No. 1 - 72, Book No. 1, Jan - Dec 1952 < ボックス番号:56 ; フォルダ番号:1>
Pre-communist Publisher San-Ichi Book Company, 1952/05/06, Chinese Communist Negotiators in Korea, 1952/05/03, Police Plans for Constitution Day, 1952/05/02, JCP Pamphlet Basis of the JCP's New Platform by TOKUDA Kyuichi 日本共産党の新綱領の基礎, 1952/04/26, Japanese Constitution and Independence Day Activities, 1952/05/03, April Activities in Soviet Mission, 1952/04/28, Chinese Communist Trading Firm, 1952/04/26, May Day Riots, 1952/05/03, May Day Demonstrations, 1952/05/02, May Day Preparations, 1952/04/26, JCP Diet Members Group, 1952/04/22, Labor Situation 20 June SOHYO Strike, 1952/06/19, SOHYO Strikes, 1952/04/10, Subversive Activity Prevention Act, 1952/03/13, Communist-sponsored People's Theatrical Group, 1952/04/01, Prefectural Political Situation, 1952/03/22, JCP National Organization Conference, 1952/03/25, Leftist Influence at Osaka Municipal University, 1952/03/21, Japan Communist Party Okinawan Group's Anti-American Activities, 1952/03/21, Release of Communist Leaders from Prison, 1952/02/28, The Shidehara Cabinet, 1945/10/13, KYUICHI Tokuda, 1945/10/10, SHIGA Yoshio, 1945/10/12, Information of the Japan Communist Party, Japanese Participation in Australian Carnival for Peace and Friendship, 1952/02/18, Alleged Japan Communist Party Members Aboard US-owned or US-Chartered Vessels, 1952/03/01, SOHYO Leaders, 1952/02/29, JCP Potential for Violence Weapons, 1952/03/01, JCP Publication 平和と独立, 1952/03/02, National Youth Anti-Conscription Rally, 1952/02/26, Third Anti-Colonialization Struggle Day, 1952/03/01, Anti-Rearmament Rally Kyoto, 1952/02/24, JCP Statement on Military Policy, 1952/02/19, Labor Rally Kinshicho Park Tokyo, 1952/02/29, Possible Subversive Activities of All Japan Foreign Ships Seamens Union, 1952/02/16, JCP Policy Statement on Anti-Police Action, 1952/02/10, Struggle Between Chinese Nationalist and Communist Elements in Japan, 1952/02/01