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「Anti-foreignism and Western learning in early-modern Japan : The new theses of 1825」の検索結果



Anti-foreignism and Western learning in early-modern Japan : the New theses of 1825 <Harvard East Asian monographs>

Anti-foreignism and Western learning in early-modern Japan : the New theses of 1825 <Harvard East Asian monographs>

新論 Shinron

Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi、Council on East Asian Stud・・・

xvi, 343 p. 24 cm

9780674040373 0674040252

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国家学会雑誌 = The journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences 100(3/4)(958)

国家学会雑誌 = The journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences 100(3/4)(958)

The journal of the Association of Political and Social Sciences The journal of the Association of Political and Social Science

国家学会 編、東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科、1987-03

冊 22cm

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レイチェル・カーソン没後60年 - 環境問題、公害との闘い


IBM-System360発表60年 - 情報技術、IT