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「Herder's philosophy」の検索結果

【英語洋書】 イマヌエル・カント:美学, 崇高, 他作品についての観察 『Immanuel Kant : observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime and other writings』 hardback <Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy>

translated and edited by Patrick Frierson, Paul Gu・・・

●シリーズ名:Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy (哲学史におけるケンブリッジ大学のテキスト)

●表紙, 背のタイトル:Kant : observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime and other writings

Further reading
Note on the texts
Thoughts on the Occasion of Mr Johann Friedrich von Funk's Untimely Death (1760)
Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (1764)
Remarks in Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (1764-5)
Essay on the Maladies of the Head (1764)
Inquiry concerning the distinctness of the principles of natural theology and morality (1764)
M. Immanuel Kant's announcement of the programme of his lectures for the winter semester, 1765-6 (1765)
Herder's notes from Kant's Lectures on Ethics (1762-4)
Selected notes and fragments from the 1760s

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【英語洋書】 イマヌエル・カント:美学, 崇高, 他作品についての観察 『Immanuel Kant : observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime and other writings』 hardback <Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy>

translated and edited by Patrick Frierson, Paul Guyer ; with an introduction by Patrick Frierson 、Cambridge University Press (ケンブリッジ大学出版局) 、2011 、xlv, 348 p. 、23 cm
【ペーパーバック】2011年初版。 表紙の端に微スレ・上端に1ヶ所シワ、巻末見返しに紙を剥がした跡があります。本文は特に問題はありません。 ●シリーズ名:Cambridge texts in the history of philosophy (哲学史におけるケンブリッジ大学のテキスト) ●表紙, 背のタイトル:Kant : observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime and other writings ●目次 Introduction Chronology Further reading Note on the texts Thoughts on the Occasion of Mr Johann Friedrich von Funk's Untimely Death (1760) Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (1764) Remarks in Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (1764-5) Essay on the Maladies of the Head (1764) Inquiry concerning the distinctness of the principles of natural theology and morality (1764) M. Immanuel Kant's announcement of the programme of his lectures for the winter semester, 1765-6 (1765) Herder's notes from Kant's Lectures on Ethics (1762-4) Selected notes and fragments from the 1760s Index. ■送料:全国一律370円



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