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「Value-addition to agricultural products : towards increase of farmers' income and vitalization of rural economy : proceedings of the 9th JIRCAS International Symposium, Tsukuba, 16-17 October 2002」の検索結果



Value-addition to agricultural products : towards increase of farmers' income and vitalization of rural economy : proceedings of the 9th JIRCAS International Symposium, Tsukuba, 16-17 October 2002 <JIRCAS international symposium series>

Value-addition to agricultural products : towards increase of farmers' income and vitalization of rural economy : proceedings of the 9th JIRCAS International Symposium, Tsukuba, 16-17 October 2002 <JIRCAS international symposium series>

地域市場に向けた農林水産物の付加価値向上 : 開発途上地域における農民所得向上と農村活性化のために

edited by Y. Mori, T. Hayashi and E. Highley、Japan・・・

172 p. 30 cm

  • リクエストを送る

レイチェル・カーソン没後60年 - 環境問題、公害との闘い

IBM-System360発表60年 - 情報技術、IT

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