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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1948/3/17 (Date Censored: 1948/3/28) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1948/3/17 (Date Censored: 1948/3/28) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Tsushin (#133) Headline: 衆院予算總会; Subject: General Budget Committee meeting At the House of Representatives

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948]/6/7 (Date Censored: [1948]/6/18) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948]/6/7 (Date Censored: [1948]/6/18) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Tsushin (82) Headline: 世界衛生機構會議に東博士出席; Subject: "Dr. AZUMA To Attend International Hygienic Structure Conference

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1947/3/7 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1947/3/7 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo 115 Headline: 日商定時総会; Subject: General Meeting of Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948/4/7] <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948/4/7] <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Headline: 浜松市内で二晩にわたるピストル戰. 目ぬき通り一帯恐怖の町と化す

3p 2 photographs

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/12/15 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/12/15 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo News Service Headline: So called "Cold War" between Russia Uni[ted] States which is perhaps too simple designation for Sov[iet-]American political economic and ideological struggle throughout world is expected become more intense in Far [East] within next few months unless there is some unfor[e]seen and radical change in present trend. ; News Agency: United Press (14, 15, 16, San Francisco, Washington); Subject: Soviet-US relations soon may become even more strained in the Orient

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/18 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/18 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Tsushin Headline: United States intelligence officers estimate about 1,500,000 Koreans have emigrated from Northern to Southern Korea and possible 15,000 from the South to North.; Moscow radio broadcast [a] story that South Korean prisons are "literally packed" with "democratic leaders considered undesirable by the Americans."; News Agency: Associated Press (1, 16, 17, San Francisco, London, Tokyo); Subject: An American wrote that there was a wave of migration from the American to the Soviet zone by Koreans seeking better working conditions

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1948/1/9 (Date Censored: 1948/1/16) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1948/1/9 (Date Censored: 1948/1/16) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Tsushin, 9 (Atami) Headline: "深刻な顔"を置いて来たキーナン氏. 旧重臣に招かれて熱海で御機嫌; Subject: "Mr. Keenan, 'Throwing Away His Serious Face,' Is in Good Humor While in Atami Invited by Former Japanese Senior Statesmen

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/7/21 (Date Censored: [1947]/7/22) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/7/21 (Date Censored: [1947]/7/22) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

The Kyodo News Service Headline: First indications of the line talks on a projected Japanese Peace Treaty between General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander in Japan and Doctor Herbert Evatt, Australian External Affairs Minister, would be [likely] to take, were given today in what is regarded as an officially inspired article "BCON" the British Commonwealth forces paper here. ; News Agency: Reuters (Tokyo)

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948]/3/23 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948]/3/23 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

The Kyodo News Service Headline: "Truman[']s message to congress shows that ruling circles in the United States, seriously alarmed about internal difficulties as well as by the growth of the forces of democracy throughout the world, now are losing their balance and are trying to find [a] way out, [a] means of artificially inflaming international relations," Marinin said.; News Agency: Associated Press(6, 7, 37, 38, San Francisco, Moscow)

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共同通信[検閲ゲラ] [1947/11/5] <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信[検閲ゲラ] [1947/11/5] <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Headline: The Baltimore Sun, in a story written by Rober Cochrane, former chief of the Sun paper's Tokyo Bureau, said Monday night "private advices from Tokyo received today state flatly General Douglas MacArthur will be candiate for the Republican nomination for President in 1948."; News Agency: Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Baltimore); Subject: MacArthur is planning to use his success in Japan to capture the Republican nomination, says the Baltimore Sun

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948]/6/16 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1948]/6/16 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo News Service Headline: The United States Senate added more than [a] [billion] dollars onto the global aid spending bill in [a] long night fight, then sent it back to the House of Representatives for approval of the increase.; News Agency: Associated Press (25, 33, Washington)

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時事通信, 共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1947/7/20 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

時事通信, 共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] 1947/7/20 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service Headline: First indications of the line talks on a projected Japanese Peace Treaty between General Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Allied Commander in Japan and Doctor Herbert Evatt, Australian External Affairs Minister, would be [likely] to take, were given today in what is regarded as an officially inspired article "BCON" the British Commonwealth forces paper here.; News Agency: Reuters (Tokyo)

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/28 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/28 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo News Service Headline: R. Pila, an executive of a Lyons silk firm, invited by the United States [government], has been appointed by the Lyons Silk Federation to go to Japan as observer.; News Agency: Agence France-presse (22, Lyons); Subject: Executive of a Lyons silk firm is to visit Japan as observer, and to examine the possibility of commercial relations between France and Japan

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/26 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/26 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Tsushin Headline: There will contin[u]e to be dissensions and discord within the United Nations until peace treatie[s] have been signed both with defeated Japan and defeated Germany, in the opinion of Dr. Wang Shih-chieh, China's foreign minister, according to his [views] expressed in a press conference today at the Chinese Mission headquarters here. ; News Agency: United Press (Tokyo); Subject: China's foreign minister, Wang Shih-chieh believes that discord within UN will continue over the peace treaty

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共同通信[検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/14 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信[検閲ゲラ] [1947]/10/14 <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo News Service Headline: "A dead-pan pronouncement that a strike resulting in unmade beds and dirty dishes would be against the objectives of the Occupation was narrowly avoided Monday when SCAP's Labor Division okayed a raise to domestics working in dependents' homes.; News Agency: United Press (Tokyo); Subject: SCAP narrowly avoided a strike of domestics working in Occupation homes by raising their salaries

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共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947/9/26] (Date Censored: [1947]/9/27) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

共同通信 [検閲ゲラ] [1947/9/26] (Date Censored: [1947]/9/27) <Censored Newspaper Articles(CNA)=メリーランド大学所蔵プランゲ文庫検閲新聞ゲラ>

Kyodo Headline: じゆず持つて投身. 清水博士懐中に遺書; 天皇制護持の「自決の辞」. 清水博士覺悟の自殺; 屈原の古文にならう. 清水博士の遺書

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