Jennifer K. Walter, Eran P. Klein, editors、Georget・・・
From medical ethics to a moral philosophy of the professions / Edmund D. Pellegrino
The origins, goals, and core commitments of the Belmont report and Principles of biomedical ethics / Tom L. Beauchamp
Principles of biomedical ethics: Reflections on a work in progress / James F. Childress
Revisiting a theory of medical ethics : main themes and anticipated changes / Robert M. Veatch
The foundations of bioethics: rethinking the meaning of morality / H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.
The Catholic moral tradition in bioethics / Charles E. Curran
Richard A. McCormick, S.J.'s "To save or let die: the dilemma of modern medicine" / Lisa Sowle Cahill
Contending images of the healer in an era of turnstile medicine / William F. May
Shaping and mirroring the field: the encyclopedia of bioethics / Warren T. Reich
The dangers of difference, revisited / Patricia A. King