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Briefe eines architekten. <Birkhauser architektur bibliothek>
Frame: the Back Issue: The Essential Guide to Frame's First 50 Issues (英語)
Complex Analysis (Soft) Fundamentals of the Classical Theory of Functions <Modern Birkhauser Classics>
Notions of Convexity (Soft) <Modern Birkhauser Classics>
Beyond the Quartic Equation (Soft) <Modern Birkhauser Classics>
Measure Theory : 2nd Edition (Hard) <Birkhauser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbucher>
Set theory : an introduction
Natur im Gebauten Nature in Building
Global Riemannian Geometry : Curvature and Topology : 1st Edition <Advanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona>
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An Introduction to Quantum Stochastic Calculus (Soft) <Modern Birkhauser Classics>
Representation Theory and Complex Geometry (Soft) <Modern Birkhauser Classics>
Neue projekte : recent projects Basel
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Mies van der Rohe : Lehre und Schule Principles and School <Exploration>
Frame: the Back Issue: The Essential Guide to Frame's First 50 Issues
Elliptic Equations: An Introductory Course (Birkhauser Advanced Texts / Basler Lehrbucher)
Popularizing Mathematical Methods in the People's Republic of China*
Galletti & Matter Collection Of Places Buildings And Projects
Merkx + Girod: Frame Monographs of Contemporary Interior Architects
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1910-1969 (Le Corbusier: Complete Works)
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Scale Model House of the 20th Century
Evolutionary integral equations and applications <Monographs in mathematics>
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Measure and Integration : Publications 1997-2011 (Hard)
Quelques Aspects des Surfaces de Riemann <Progress in Mathematics 77>
Divisor Theory (Hard)
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Jean Prouvé Complete Works Volume 3: 1944-1954
Best Designed Wellness Hotels
Real Analysis : 2nd Edition <Birkhaeuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbuecher>
Number Theory : Structures, Examples, and Problems
1/1 Architecture and Design: New Synergies
Kpf: Vision and Process, Europe 1990-2002 (英語) ハードカバー
Best Designed Wellness Hotels : Weeestern and Central Europe/Alps/Mediterranean
Christian Hauvette:Dwellings-Monuments-Machines、 Truth-Metaphor-Narrative
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